
Gratitude: A Message and Appeal from Our CEO

S ue Schroeder, CEO at Stepping Stones of Rockford , expresses gratitude for all those who support the agency and for those who work tirelessly to help the clients receiving services at the agency. It may be Thanksgiving weekend, but they'll be plenty of agency staff working the holiday--after all, the residential component at Stepping Stones ...
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What's Happening at Stepping Stones: May 2023

Flashback to 1986 : The Top 20 hit song, Timbuk3's "The Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)" is playing on the radio. With a catchy tune, the band proclaims, "things are going great, and they're only getting better… the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." It's 2023 . Stepping Stones of Rockford is growing leaps and bounds, with...
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Mental Health Awareness Month 2023

  As you probably know by now, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Established in 1949, the month recognizes the importance of mental health/mental wellness and celebrates recovery for those with mental illness. The 2023 theme is "More Than Enough." Mental Health Awareness Month is different than Mental Illness Awareness Week in October. May...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Mid-November in Rockford.  Cold. Cloudy. Dark. The leaves have fallen, long gone, leaving trees bare.  We go to work and school in the dark; we return in the dark.  Do we dare mention the need to scrape windshields from the frost? Why are Christmas Carols already playing 24 hours a day? Oh...
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Coping with Increased Stress during Times of Inflation

Inflation.  You know--the "thing" that has us feeling the pinch from significantly higher prices in the grocery store, at the gas pump and on utility bills. The end of Summer may bring cooler days but it hasn't brought relief to the higher prices of things we need in life. Talk about sticker shock when shopping fo...
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Expanding Supervised Housing Opportunities for Adults with SMI

On May 4, 2022, the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board (WCCMHB) announced programs awarded "New Mental Health Programs" funding via the Half-Cent Sales Tax.  Stepping Stones of Rockford is excited to be a recipient of funding for  Program Year 2022-2023 ! Stepping Stones of Rockford will util...
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Recovery Steps and Stories: Spring 2021

​Just in time for Mental Health Month! "Recovery Steps and Stories" is a the agency newsletter created by the clients at Stepping Stones of Rockford. It is coordinated by our very own Bonnie Holeton, Recovery Support Specialist. Artwork, creative writing, photos, jokes, recovery tips and mental health information make this quarterly publication tru...
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Instilling Hope: Stories of Recovery

"Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. If you're impacted, know that recovery is possible and there are people ready and willing to help you on your journey." "INSTILLING HOPE: Stories of Recovery" (Edition 01), brings hope.   The magazine, published in March 2021, is a nothing less than  ...
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Recovery Steps and Stories: Winter 2021

SSRINC-RSS-Winter202_20210315-192336_1 Recovery Steps and Stories: Winter 2021
This Newsletter is created by the clients at Stepping Stones of Rockford, under the direction of our CRSS, Bonnie Holton. Please enjoy our very own quarterly newsletter, "Recovery Steps and Stories."    Download PDF File Here

Recovery Steps and Stories: Fall 2020

SSRINC-RSS-Fall-202_20210315-192437_1 Recovery Steps and Stories: Fall 2020
This Newsletter is created by the clients at Stepping Stones of Rockford. Please enjoy our very own quarterly newsletter, "Steps and Stories."   Download PDF File Here

From Vaccines to Pizza

Vaccine Clinic February 2021  brought opportunity for all Stepping Stones clients and staff to receive the Moderna vaccine. Staff are definitely essential workers, while clients live in congregate settings. The Winnebago County Health Department ensured  an organized event. Talk about running smoothly!  We can't thank them ...
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The New Year: Let's Grow!

The New Year brings opportunity to take inventory of what we have and what we need . It's also the perfect time to set intentions. Our overall purpose will always be to provide the highest quality, trauma-informed, value-based based residential mental health care to the seriously mentally ill in Winnebago County and surrounding areas. Stepping Ston...
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Social Media + Mental Illness = ?

Social media is part of daily life for more people than not. Staying in touch with friends, keeping an eye on the news or even laughing at memes can have positive impact as we plug along day-to-day. Unless you're still using a non-Internet-enabled flip phone and a typewriter, it's hard to escape the ubiquity of social media. Used with balance, mode...
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Honoring Veterans Day by Addressing PTSD

For this post, I've focused on PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)  in Veterans , in recognition of Veterans Day (annually recognized on November 11 th) . Veterans Day honors America's veterans "for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good." Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is certainly not...
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Taking Part in Domestic Violence Awareness Month

​If you're questioning why a mental health agency is writing about Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we've got news for you: Domestic Violence awareness is EVERYONE's business! Many of our clients are survivors of domestic violence. As our agency remains dedicated to utilization of trauma-informed care, it's vital we take part in efforts...
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Stars of Light: Busting Stigma via YouTube

Stars of Light are not only on the road--they are on the Internet.  In an effort to bust stigma and with the hope of reaching as many people as they can, the group has posted numerous videos on YouTube. If you has access to an electronic device capable of connecting to YouTube, you can peruse Stars of Light videos. "For man...
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What is Anxiety?

Your heart is racing. Your face is covered with sweat. You're feeling unsure and your hands are shaky. There is an intense feeling of impending doom. This is happening every day, for most of the day. There are no obvious stressors. What on Earth is going on? Anxiety . It may build over time or it might hit unexpectedly and overwhelmingly. Ther...
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Mental Health in Illinois: A professional is a professional is a professional… right?

​ When it comes to mental health treatment in Illinois, a professional a professional is a professional, right? Not so fast! Taking a closer look, you might ask yourself, "what ARE all those letters after my provider's name? What do all those initials mean? It looks like alphabet soup. What does it matter? Does it even matter? All those l...
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What is Depression?

Let's face it. At one time or another, we've all felt depressed. Whether it's a life loss, a situational stressor, a really lousy week or a case of "the blues," we've experienced feelings and thoughts that qualify as being depressed. This kind of depression is what I like to call "part of life." It's not something that requires medication or therap...
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Kindness Stones: Honoring our Fifty Years

Kindness Stones
Throughout 2019 , Stepping Stones employees, clients and friends will place "kindness rocks" all around town in celebration of our fiftieth anniversary . In our agency's case, we'll be placing kindness STONES, not rocks! Keep an eye out for our maroon or blue painted stones with positive messages designed to bring encouragement, hope or a smile. In...
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                         Stepping Stones of Rockford, Inc.                     

Residential and Supported Services          Outpatient Counseling Center      
706 N. Main Street                                         4317 Maray Drive 
Rockford, IL 61103                                         Rockford, IL 61107
815.963.0683                                                  779.970.5605

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