
Groundbreaking Ceremony at Stony Creek Way

In just two weeks, Stepping Stones of Rockford will be hosting a Groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the start of the construction for our new Group Home on Stony Creek Way. The new Group Home is located at 1480 Stony Creek Way in Rockford, IL. Opening remarks will begin at 2:00 p.m. The Groundbreaking ceremony is expected to be concluded by 3:00 p.m.

The new Group Home will be the first newly built facility for adults with serious mental illnesses in Winnebago County. The fully accessible home will have 8,707 square feet and capacity to serve ten adults. Construction of the new Group Home is expected to be completed by mid-November with the goal of residents beginning to occupy the home by the end of 2025. This project is being led by the Larson & Darby Group and Schmeling Construction Company.

We are excited to make this project a reality. This Group Home is made possible in part by the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board, which receives its funding from the voter-approved 1/2 cent sales tax for metal health and substance abuse services in our county. The public is welcome to attend and no registration is required.

A Message from Our CEO

                         Stepping Stones of Rockford, Inc.                     

Residential and Supported Services          Outpatient Counseling Center      
706 N. Main Street                                         4317 Maray Drive 
Rockford, IL 61103                                         Rockford, IL 61107
815.963.0683                                                  779.970.5605

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