

A Message from Our CEO

November, 2024 

Dear Friend of Stepping Stones,

While I have been a proud Midwesterner all my life, I've always maintained a lure of oceans and have visited their beaches many times over the years. There's nothing like the smell of salt that greets me when I first arrive, listening to the waves crash against the shore as the sun warms my face, becoming grounded by the sand between my toes as I stroll the beach and taking in those amazing views. The beach gives me a therapeutic relief that re-energizes me and soothes my soul. I guess it's the ocean's vastness and ever-changing nature that keeps calling me back to it.

This was the mood I was getting into earlier this year while making final plans to visit my favorite Florida beach, despite knowing Hurricane Helene was approaching and that I would have to cut my time at the ocean short this trip.

Even though I was not in the direct line of the hurricane that hit Florida, I was affected by the storm in a way that I had not expected. You see, even though I was visiting the ocean to take a break from my work here, I could not help but draw parallels between the impact this powerful storm had on the lives of those in its way and the impact mental illness has on the individuals we serve here at Stepping Stones when it storms through. Hurricanes and serious mental illnesses represent "violent storms," one of nature and the other of the brain that are unwanted, powerful, disorganizing, damaging, full of chaos, costly and very challenging to recover from completely.

As I listened to Floridians describe the destruction of their properties and how their lives have been turned upside-down by the storm, (we know the human costs associated with an event like this include; shock, anxiety, depression, despair and unfortunately even suicide) I found myself comparing their losses to what I hear from those we serve. You see, our clients' life plans are also drastically changed when mental illness came crashing down upon them.

Can you imagine trying to dig yourself out of Helene's devastating storm without any help or trying to begin recovery from a serious mental illness without the necessary assistance? I know I can't. I am hoping for the best for all those impacted by Hurricane Helene and if you can help in any way, I encourage you to do so. Here at home, Stepping Stones is focusing on providing the services our clients need to begin their recovery from mental illness.

I am sure you agree that no one should be left without the essential mental health services they need. Your support will help our organization continue to expand our programs and services to even more individuals and that is why I am asking you to show your financial support to Stepping Stones by including a check in the enclosed envelope or by visiting to make an online donation today. Your gift will let every person who enters our program know they are worthy of being rescued from the "storm" they are experiencing. 

This is Stepping Stones' 55th year of providing mental health care in our community and we have continued to expand services since our modest beginning. Some of our progress and accomplishments made this year include:

  • An Open House was held on July 31 at a new Group Home designed to serve eight adult males and the home  opened on August 4. The purchase and renovation of this Group Home was made possible in large part by a grant from the WCCMHB and the 1/2 cent sales tax.
  • A vacant property was purchased in Rockford where a ten bed brand new Group Home will be built. The plan is to open this new facility in 2025. This will be the first "new build" Group Home designed specifically for adults with serious mental illnesses in Winnebago County and will be fully accessible. This project's funding was provided in large part by a grant from the WCCMHB and the 1/2 cent sales tax.

  • An Accelerator grant was received from the WCCMHB and the 1/2 cent sales tax to help purchase a building on East State Street. This facility will eventually replace the Mildred Kral Rehabilitation Center (Main Office since 1991) as the organization's corporate office in late 2025, after all renovations are completed. 

  • Stepping Stones was honored to be selected as the Mental Health Organization of the Year by NAMI Northern Illinois' at their 40th Anniversary Dinner held in October during Mental Illness Awareness Week.       

  • The Stars of Light further expanded their video productions, produced the second edition of the booklet Instilling Hope, Stories of Recovery, held an Art Gallery in the spring at Rockford's City Hall and produced another artist showcase at the Mildred Kral Center in the fall as part of the Rockford Area Arts Council's ArtScene.

  • The organization continued to expand services to serve more individuals in need of mental health care. After operating a fixed capacity to serve approximately 160 individuals for many years, service capacity has expanded significantly over the past few years and we now have nearly 600 persons involved in our various programs. The organization is on target to serve a combined total of about 800 children, youth and adults this year.             
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. We could not carry out our mission as successfully as we do without the confidence you show in us. Remember, we count on receiving your support at this time of the year and I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, I wish you and your family a safe and meaningful holiday season.

With continued gratitude,

Susan Schroeder, LCSW, CEO

P.S. With your financial support we will help even more children, youth and adults break through the "violent storm" of mental illness and begin their successful recovery.

Yes, I value the essential mental health care Stepping Stones provides in our community!

Please use my gift to help the individuals you serve improve their lives one step at a time.

I have enclosed my gift of $ _____________.

I made a online donation of $ _____________ by visiting

Email address _________________________________Phone number ___________________

___________  My employer has a matching gift program. I have enclosed their form.

___________  I have included Stepping Stones in my planned giving.

Please make your check payable to: Stepping Stones of Rockford, Inc.

706 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois 61103

Telephone: 815-963-0683 

Groundbreaking Ceremony at Stony Creek Way
Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024.

                         Stepping Stones of Rockford, Inc.                     

Residential and Supported Services          Outpatient Counseling Center      
706 N. Main Street                                         4317 Maray Drive 
Rockford, IL 61103                                         Rockford, IL 61107
815.963.0683                                                  779.970.5605

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