Stepping Stones of Rockford was awarded the Mental Health Organization of the Year 2024 by NAMI Northern Illinois at their 40th anniversary on 10/09/2024.
NAMI Northern of Illinois gave this award saying Steppings Stones of Rockford demonstrates exceptional commitment, innovation, and effectiveness in supporting individuals living with mental illness. Offers a range of services addressing various aspects of mental health, including prevention, treatment, and recovery. Ensures that mental health services are accessible to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, or geographical location. Focuses on the needs and preferences of clients, involving them in decision-making processes and tailoring services to individual needs. The organization prioritizes creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Exhibits strong leadership and ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, and that staff are well-supported and trained. Actively participates in advocacy efforts to shape mental health policies and improve systemic conditions for mental health care.